Friday, August 8, 2008

Camping 2008

Check out how big those flames are. Kirk and his brothers were so proud of their fires.
Brad is so gross. I think he won the for the most snot this camping trip. He always had a kleenex with him.
What a beautiful sunrise. Kirk got some really great shots. It looks like the heavens are about to open up for us.
Here is my silly girl. If you can see, she is sticking her tongue out. What a crazy!
Boy she had so much fun camping. She played in the dirt and rocks. We had a bucket and she kind of took over it and it became the rock bucket. It was really funny.
Ryan is on the left and Lindy is on the right. They were just kicking it playing the guitar. It was fun watching and listening to there songs especially when Brad was playing, because that kid is crazy and makes up is on little tunes.
Here's Kathleen and Calista. Hanging out.
She is one cool little chick. Don't you think?
We were all sitting around the camp fire getting eaten by all the mosquitos. They were awful this year. I had about 12 bites when we got home.

I realize these are a little dark but the picture above has Kirk's Mom (Susan) and Lindy our Sister-in-law. They are both awesome ladies.
Wooah! Ladies look at that hunk right there. Okay don't look to long because you know he is taken. Hee hee!! He will kill me when he finds out I put this on here. Haa haa!
What a nerd. I buy him sandals and he doesn't even bring or wear them. So he looks like a big dork in his work boots. I just don't know what to do with him.
He is so proud of himself cooking hot dogs.
Grandma reading a book.

Well we got a flat tire on our way to Blackfoot Reservior. That was lots of fun. Kirk had fun changing the tire. I was sure I was going to get yelled at but luckily my husband only got mad at the jack, because it tried to tip over and bend while trying to lift the van up.
We took a shot of how much dirt was on the back of the van. It was so gross! The picture doesn't do the dirt justice though. It was much better in person.
Here is our campsite. Notice, ZERO trees. Pretty view though.

Lindy is behind Brad in this shot and then Ryan is holding Calista and of course there's Kirk.

I really need to figure out how to do the slide show thing, but I haven't yet so you all have to scroll down and see them all. We went camping with Kirk's family on July 18th thru the 20th and had a good time except for the heat and having no trees in the campground. We all decided to not let Kirk pick the campgrounds anymore. We made the best of what we had and we made some really yummy food. I cook way better when I am camping than I do at home.


Kristy said...

Looks like fun! Where were you? Seth won't wear sandals either, drives me nuts! And is that your new MINI VAN???? That must be nice for camping, lots of room! Good for you guys, I'm glad you got it! Bummer on the flat tire, though!

Christina said...

I'm so jealous. I want to camp sooo bad! I could comment on a ton of those pics, but I'll leave it to: I love that sunrise shot- it's beautiful. And I must say the boots are definitly awesome!! That is just a guy thing, isn't it? Looks like too much fun!!